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This powerful break cue excels when superior control on the break is desired. Unlike the original Black Out, the Straight Breaker is designed with a one-piece butt. It has our Horo break tip and ferule combination, giving a player added control while breaking. The Horo tip holds chalk well and allows a player to use some English with less risk of a miscue. This cue works especially well when using a second-ball break in 8-ball.

The Black Out Straight Breaker works well as a full-cue jump cue, as well. The Horo tip allows English to be applied on the jump shot giving the shot accuracy and cue ball control.

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BlaCkOut Blue Straight Break

BlaCkOut Blue Straight Break
Short description

This powerful break cue excels when superior control on the break is desired. Unlike the original Black Out, the Straight Breaker is designed with a one-piece butt. It has our Horo break tip and ferule combination, giving a player added control while breaking. The Horo tip holds chalk well and allows a player to use some English with less risk of a miscue. This cue works especially well when using a second-ball break in 8-ball.

The Black Out Straight Breaker works well as a full-cue jump cue, as well. The Horo tip allows English to be applied on the jump shot giving the shot accuracy and cue ball control.

  Security policy

It is the common practice of Jacoby Custom Cues to safeguard member/customer data at all times.

  Delivery policy

We reserve the right to utilize the shipping carrier and method we deem to be the most appropriate.

  Return policy

Jacoby reserves the right to refuse returns which do not meet our warranty/return policy guidelines.

Delivered Within 3-7 Days
Sport Grip
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Tip: Horo Break Tip. Durometer rating: 78-81
Ferrule: 0.150” White Hydex 202
Shaft: Black out break shaft - Unidirectional carbon fiber with high-density foam center and 13.1mm diameter tip.
Joint Pin: Stainless Steel Radial
Joint Diameter: 0.847"
Joint Material: ⅝” Capped Black Juma
Length: 58” - 29” shaft / 29” butt 60” - Special order only
Butt Construction: Two-piece maple permanently joined with 6” steel connecting screw
Weight Range: 16.7-18.4 oz Natural weight range 18.9-20.5 oz Adjusted weight range
Butt Cap: ⅜” Black Juma with 0.250” inlaid white Juma ring
Butt Diameter: 1.250"
Weight System: ⅜-16 6” Weight system
Bumper: ⅜-16 Threaded-stem bumper

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